You don't have to wait on the mail for your DHIA reports. You can access them via the web! When you sign up for WebReports, DRMS will send you an automated email notification when your herd processes, so you'll know your
reports are waiting for you there! An option to automatically notify another email address (your herd manager, veterinarian, consultant, etc.) is also available-contact DRMS to set this up. The most recent 2 years of the
Herd Summary (202), and the most recent 3 months of all other reports you receive are accessible. Eliminate mail turn-around time. Access your reports then save them, email them, print them! It's fast, it's easy, so what
are you waiting for?
Log in to WebReports.
Please contact any of our area representatives to discuss our products and service, and find out more about what we have to offer.